This webpage from the NCTSN provides a wealth of information on screening and assessment, interventions, and resources for refugee populations.
This companion guide to the SSYI Best Practice and Strategy Review highlights several practice issues related to serving youth impacted by trauma and/or dealing with issues of sexual orientation and gender identity
This white paper summarizes clinical and research findings on the impact of trauma in the context of urban poverty. It discusses the impact of trauma and urban poverty on children, adolescents, family members, and familial relationships.
This quick sheet reviews the core aspects of cultural humility
Provides information for child welfare on refugee trauma. This fact sheet gives definitions to describe those who migrate to the US; potentially traumatic events that could occur before, during, or after migration; involvement in the child welfare system; how notions of safety, permanency, and well-being are shaped by culture; and system considerations.
We organized this conference with the goal of advancing the debate on race and involvement in the child welfare system by: (1) presenting some of the best available evidence describing the black/white maltreatment gap and analyzing the high representation of black children in foster care; and (2) exploring the kinds of policy options that seem appropriate given what the evidence suggests.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
This document defines the core principles of trauma informed work through a culturally specific analysis, and seeks to provide practitioners with accessible language to describe the trauma informed/culturally specific overlap of their work.
This article explores the cultural adaptation of evidence-based child trauma treatment and trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy by the Indian Country Child Trauma Center .
There is a fee to access the full article. This article references the Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families - developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network - to address the traumatic experiences and responses of LGBTQ youth .
There is a fee to access the full article. This article highlights the impact of chronic stress and coping on child development amongst disadvantaged children.
There is a fee to access the full article. This article proposes a conceptual framework for creating trauma-informed systems that use evidence-based, culture. Generally competent information for trauma impacted youth in Indian County.
This document discusses the trauma of racism and systemic racial oppression. It provides a summary of select research on the blocked opportunities and oppressive burden that young men of color experience and offers promising policy and program solutions.
There is a fee to access the full article. This chapter discusses tools frontline caseworkers can use to engage child-welfare affected caregivers.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
This tip sheet discusses the concept and importance of historical trauma and its impact on Native American populations. Offers tips for preparing to respond to a disaster or other traumatic events in Indian Country.
This website provides resources on cultural competence in child abuse and neglect, tribal resources, and resources for children with disabilities and LGBTQIA youth.
This website provides resources on cultural competence in child abuse and neglect, tribal resources, and resources for children with disabilities and LGBTQIA youth.
This website offers information on Culturally-sensitive trauma-informed care and implementation considerations for health care professionals.
This website offers information on Culturally-sensitive trauma-informed care and implementation considerations for health care professionals.
This dashboard presents specific graphs seperated by Racial dispoportionality, substance use, demographics, service access, violence, health, child welfare, and socioeconomic status. Viewers can choose specific counties across California to view statistics.
This dashboard presents specific graphs seperated by Racial dispoportionality, substance use, demographics, service access, violence, health, child welfare, and socioeconomic status. Viewers can choose specific counties across California to view statistics.
A set of questions to use before implementing any change project, to ensure your agency is a place where everybody has an opportunity to thrive, and that your policies, practices, and procedures benefit the families and the community you serve.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
This website provides resources that support child welfare staff and leaders in confronting racial equity. This website contains tools, guides, assessments, and curricula on culturally responsive child welfare practices.
This website provides resources that support child welfare staff and leaders in confronting racial equity. This website contains tools, guides, assessments, and curricula on culturally responsive child welfare practices.
This toolkit presents guidelines and practice tools to assist counties and providers in improving the quality and access to care for underserved ethnic and cultural groups. Domains discussed include multicultural knowledge, addressing barriers to care, cultural self-awareness, sociocultural diversities, and specific practices and interventions.
This website provides resources on cultural competence in child abuse and neglect, tribal resources, and resources for children with disabilities and LGBTQIA youth.
This website offers information on Culturally-sensitive trauma-informed care and implementation considerations for health care professionals.
This dashboard presents specific graphs seperated by Racial dispoportionality, substance use, demographics, service access, violence, health, child welfare, and socioeconomic status. Viewers can choose specific counties across California to view statistics.
A set of questions to use before implementing any change project, to ensure your agency is a place where everybody has an opportunity to thrive, and that your policies, practices, and procedures benefit the families and the community you serve.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
This website provides resources that support child welfare staff and leaders in confronting racial equity. This website contains tools, guides, assessments, and curricula on culturally responsive child welfare practices.
This toolkit presents guidelines and practice tools to assist counties and providers in improving the quality and access to care for underserved ethnic and cultural groups. Domains discussed include multicultural knowledge, addressing barriers to care, cultural self-awareness, sociocultural diversities, and specific practices and interventions.
This 13-minute video features five LGBTQ youth who discuss details of their own trauma experiences related to their respective LGBTQ identities, how they gained resilience, and how professionals helped them in this regard.
The video introduces the viewer to the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth who have experienced trauma.
This section of the NCTSN website provides a series of archived webinars dedicated to a variety of issues at the intersection of culture and trauma in children and adolescents. Accessing this resource requires a free registration at Once you have a registration and are signed on you can either use the link on this page or search the name of the resource on the NCTSN Learning Center website to access this resource.
This website provides a series of webinars on historical trauma and trauma informed care in Indian Country.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
In this podcast three experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Child Traumatic Stress Center, NC State University, and a local Head Start Program provide evidenced-based information on ACES, historical trauma and bias, and how hope and resilience play a role in mitigating these hardships in African American families.
This 13-minute video features five LGBTQ youth who discuss details of their own trauma experiences related to their respective LGBTQ identities, how they gained resilience, and how professionals helped them in this regard.
The video introduces the viewer to the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth who have experienced trauma.
This section of the NCTSN website provides a series of archived webinars dedicated to a variety of issues at the intersection of culture and trauma in children and adolescents. Accessing this resource requires a free registration at Once you have a registration and are signed on you can either use the link on this page or search the name of the resource on the NCTSN Learning Center website to access this resource.
This website provides a series of webinars on historical trauma and trauma informed care in Indian Country.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system
In this podcast three experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Child Traumatic Stress Center, NC State University, and a local Head Start Program provide evidenced-based information on ACES, historical trauma and bias, and how hope and resilience play a role in mitigating these hardships in African American families.
This case study details Fresno County’s early efforts and the work still underway to address racial inequities and improve outcomes for all children and youth involved in the county's child welfare system