Cross-System Collaboration

When the priorities, demands, and mandates of multiple systems compete with each other, they can exacerbate existing trauma and fail to provide the needed support to help the children and families heal. Trauma-informed cross-system partnership is demonstrated by collaboration, service coordination, and information sharing among professionals in the different systems working with children and families.

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  • Child and Family Teaming

    Cross-System Collaboration
    California Social Work Education Center (CALSWEC)
    Child Welfare, Behavioral Health

    Audience: This curriculum is designed as a conjoint training for child welfare and behavioral health practitioners, and partners from child- and family-serving agencies.  It is comprised of two 3.5-hour modules that each include role plays for skill practice. 

  • The British Columbia Competency Framework for Interprofessional Collaboration

    Cross-System Collaboration
    Interprofessional Network BC

    This interprofessional competency framework is organized into three domains: Interpersonal and communication skills; Patient Centered and Family Focused-Care, and Collaborative Practice. This document provides a definition and examples of each competency with the goal of informing curriculum development.

  • Child and Family Teaming

    Cross-System Collaboration
    California Social Work Education Center (CALSWEC)
    Child Welfare, Behavioral Health

    Audience: This curriculum is designed as a conjoint training for child welfare and behavioral health practitioners, and partners from child- and family-serving agencies.  It is comprised of two 3.5-hour modules that each include role plays for skill practice. 

  • The British Columbia Competency Framework for Interprofessional Collaboration

    Cross-System Collaboration
    Interprofessional Network BC

    This interprofessional competency framework is organized into three domains: Interpersonal and communication skills; Patient Centered and Family Focused-Care, and Collaborative Practice. This document provides a definition and examples of each competency with the goal of informing curriculum development.

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